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When choosing songs, Belle can meet for consultations and ideas. Whether planning a wedding, a private event, or a work party, or fundraiser, Belle has many songs she is able and willing to play and will quickly pick up new songs as well. 

Below are 30 sec. clips of songs Belle has in her repertoire




Canon in D - Pachabel

Processional - Linda Wood

Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach


Unity Ceremony:


The Lord's Prayer



Wedding March - Mendelssohn

Trumpet Tune - Purcell

Trumpet Voluntary - Clarke

Ode to Joy - Beethoven


This Little Babe *for choir
What Child is This?
O Holy Night
Silent Night
Mary Did You Know?
The First Noel
Angels We Have Heard On High
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
O Come All Ye Faithful
_Prelude in C -Bach
_Gymnopédie 1 -Satie
_Andante Mucho Calmo -Pozzoli
Minuet in F - Mozart
Flower Duet from Lakme - Delibes
Danny Boy
FJ Naderman: I Allegro, II Allegretto 
_Celestial -Frank Voltz
_Coming Home -Frank Voltz

The Little Fountain - Samuel O. Pratt

Sweet Is My Ladye Love - Valerie Pechy

Reverie - Gradjany

Petite Berceuse - Hasslemans

Your Song - Elton John


Telephone - Lady Gaga


You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban

Disney Music (52 songs)

Storybook Love: Princess Bride

Memory (CATS)

Fireflies - Owl City

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